The Dynamics of weighted composition operators on Fock spaces

Analyse Fonctionnelle

Salle Kampé de Fériet M2
Clifford Gilmore
University College Cork (Ireland)
Vendredi, 2 Avril, 2021 - 14:00 - 15:00

The study of weighted composition operators acting on spaces of analytic
functions has recently developed into an active area of research. In
particular, characterisations of the bounded and compact weighted
composition operators acting on Fock spaces were identified by, amongst
others, Ueki (2007), Le (2014), and Tien and Khoi (2019).

In this talk I will examine some recent results that give explicit
descriptions of bounded and compact weighted composition operators acting on
Fock spaces. This allows us to prove that Fock spaces do not support
supercyclic weighted composition operators. This is joint work with Tom
Carroll (University College Cork).